Complaints Handling Policy

1. The purpose of the Complaints Policy:

A Guests of Hotel Walzer(head office Hotel Castle Szidónia Kft., 1124 Budapest, Németvölgyi út 110.)

2. Basic principles of the regulation

3. Scope of the Code

3.1. Scope of application: this policy applies to all employees of Hotel Walzer, who are obliged to familiarise themselves with the provisions of this policy and to ensure that they comply with them. This policy applies to all persons who are subject to it and are personally responsible for its observance.

3.2. Subject scope: The scope of this policy covers the complaints handling procedures for reporting complaints. The scope of the scope of this policy is the activity of reporting complaints.

3.3. Detailed provisions

3.3.1. The complaint

A complaint is any objection to a service or failure to provide a service by Hotel Walzer, in relation to which the guest requests the Hotel Walzer to take action. A complaint does not include a request for general information, opinion or position from the Hotel Walzer.

3.3.2. The complainant

A complainant may be any person who, pursuant to Act CLV of 1997 on Consumer Protection. Any person who has used the services of the Hotel Walzer.

3.3.3. Ways and places to report a complaint

verbal complaint:

written complaint:

by post: 

by electronic mail:

via our web interface:

3.3.4. Complaint handling deadlines

Verbal complaints will be promptly investigated by the hotel reception and rectified as necessary. If the complaint is made in writing, the complaint will be dealt with promptly and will be rectified. If the complainant does not agree with the handling of the complaint or if it is not possible to investigate the complaint immediately. If the complaint is not resolved immediately and if it is not possible to resolve the complaint immediately, or if the complaint cannot be resolved immediately, the hotel shall immediately make a record of the complaint and its position and in the case of a verbal complaint made in person, provide a copy of the report on the spot to the consumer at the consumer's premises. In the case of a verbal complaint made by telephone, the recorded minutes shall be sent to the customer no later than 30 days at the latest, together with the reply on the substance.

3.3.5. Complaint handling

All complaints shall be treated with due care and attention to the protection of personal data. The personal data collected will be used for identification purposes only and will not be used for any other purpose than shall not be used for any other data collection purposes.

The data of the customer submitting the complaint shall be handled in accordance with the provisions of Act CXII of 2011 on the Right of Informational Self-Determination and Freedom of Information.

3. Administrative responsibilities for complaint handling:

The Hotel Walzer's complaints handling system and procedures and the Hotel Walzer Hotel's complaints handling procedures and processes:

3.3.6. Investigation of the complaint:

The complaint will be investigated taking into account all relevant circumstances.

3.3.7 Communication of the decision on the handling of the complaint:

If a written complaint is received by the Hotel Walzer, unless otherwise provided for in an act directly applicable to the hotel, it must be answered in writing within 30 days of receipt, with justification in writing, and the communication of the reply must be effected. A shorter period may be set by law, a longer period by statute. In all cases, reasons shall be given for any decision rejecting the complaint.

3.3.8. If the complaint handling activities of Hotel Walzer are not to the satisfaction of the complainant

A list of the county organisations is available at or below.

In the information sent to the complainant, Hotel Walzer will indicate the headquarters, telephone and Internet contact details and postal address of the competent authority or conciliation body in the place where the complainant resides or is staying.

Hotel Walzer has not made a general declaration of submission.The complainant also has the right to take legal action.

4. Register of complaints:

Hotel Walzer registers complaints received according to uniform principles. The register is capable of detecting and identifying the facts which are the cause of the complaint, and of correcting and summarising the facts and events detected. The Hotel Walzer will keep written complaints in a clearly identifiable and retrievable manner until the deadline below:

4.1. 1A complaint with the same content as a previous complaint, which has been replied to in substance, from the same consumer the same complaint by the same person and which does not contain new information, as well as The investigation of a consumer complaint made by a consumer who is not identified may be waived.

5. Final provisions

The handling of customer complaints shall be governed by the present Rules, the Consumer Protection Act CLV of 1997. The provisions of these Rules and Regulations, the provisions of Act No. CL.2013, Act No. CL.1997 on the Civil Code, and Act No. V of 2013 on the Civil Code shall apply.

6. Entry into force

It shall apply from 1 January 2024 until the revocation of the Regulation.
Budapest, Hotel Walzer

Budapest Conciliation Board attached to the Budapest Chamber of Commerce and Industry